Friday 10 January 2014

End of surgery day update

Thankfully my BP increased to what is normal for me [100/60 (ish)] late this afternoon and has since stabilised. Obs have been taken much less frequently since.

I had a yummy ham salad for my dinner and have drunk plenty of water and tea to flush out the drugs and anaesthetic from my system.  I have spoken to my hubby, via FaceTime, a few times throughout the afternoon and evening.  Very much looking forward to getting home to him.

The few friends and family members who know about my surgery have all been in touch.  I am fortunate to have such wonderful support (no pun intended).

Mr Russo hasn't left instructions regarding my drains and the nurse who is looking after me overnight, therefore, isn't permitted to remove them until he arrives tomorrow and gives permission.  She said he is a bit of a law unto himself as to when he will arrive. My transport is booked for 7am but will have to wait around until Mr Russo has seen me.  It doesn't affect me too much - I will get home later but I don't have any plans other than resting up - but will inconvenience the nurses and especially the driver.

I am required to sleep sitting up and will attempt to do so soon. My room is directly opposite the nurses station so that might be tricky. I may resort to listening to some music quietly through my headphones as that will be easier to sleep through than people talking and moving around right outside my door.


I have some discomfort but not to the degree that requires pain relief. The most painful thing was the cannula in my hand.  I asked very nicely and the nurse who is on over night removed it for me an hour ago. I'm chuffed to bits about that!

My breasts are very firm and swollen (even the bit between my breasts is swollen) and are comically large. The swelling will reduce, the implants will soften and they will drop into place (I believe the 'technical term' is that they will 'fluff') - at least I blooming well hope all of those things will happen.

I'll update with daily photos in the first few weeks to chart the changes.

Night blog-world. X

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