Titty-versary flowers :) - to mark a week of my new boobies |
This blog is a personal account of my breast surgery. I am writing it as a journal for my own benefit and in the hope that it might inform others who are considering a breast uplift (mastopexy), breast augmentation (implants) or both. It will be an honest depiction of my choice to have this cosmetic procedure, my thoughts in the weeks proceeding my operation(s), my experience of the surgery and my post-op recovery. Pre and post operation photos are included.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
To celebrate my one week titty-versary.......
.......I bought myself some gloriously summery flowers and I am having friends over for dinner tonight. I'll keep things very simple (slow cooked curried steak, some tandoori chicken, salad and wraps) to make sure I don't overexert myself. The friends I have invited are the only people (other than my immediate family) that know about my operation.
Day seven post surgery........
.........and I am getting increasing sensation in my boobs. It isn't painful enough to warrant taking pain killers but I am aware of discomfort, burning, and soreness on the boob crease incisions and around the areola (less so on the vertical seam).
I am also getting sporadic stabbing pains inside both breasts (although predominantly the left) and nipples (mostly the right).
I slept with a pillow under the backs of my knees last night. It was very comfortable and the aches in my back, hips and legs have diminished this morning so I'm thinking that is perhaps the way to go.
Day seven post-op |
As the sensation returns to my breasts I am curiously aware how 'not mine' they feel. Or more accurately: have felt. As the numbness recedes I am connecting with them as my new titties :)
I guess although I wasn't really aware of it, until now, I have been looking at and appreciating my boobies but not fully recognising that they are mine :D
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Today I have been mostly resting; I've felt weary all day.......
......and tired, and achy. My boobs have been sore; the areas where, I imagine, the wounds are have been burning and I've been experiencing stabbing pains inside both breasts (possibly the nerves beginning to reconnect). I'm thinking the discomfort is potentially good news as it probably indicates post-op numbness is wearing off.....??
I've been aching elsewhere too (back, hips, legs, neck) - almost certainly due to sleeping on my back night after night with little movement and being so immobile for much of the time.
Possibly connected to the hike in soreness is the fact that I have felt drained all day (although BP dips are probably partly responsible - I must have drunk my own body weight in water and tea today!!)
I spent much of the day sitting on the sofa watching television and surfing t'internet - the time was not wasted however as I found a really good support forum . It is a very friendly site and a fount of information regarding breast surgery and recovery. I wish I'd looked for such a forum sooner.
In the few hours I've been looking around there and familiarising myself with the site I have discovered so much; for example:
- to keep my new boobs in their best 'shape' it is a good idea for me to sleep in a sports bra even after I am fully healed;
- and the additional use of a kush will be even more beneficial;
- ice packs are excellent for reducing swelling, pain relief and combatting itching;
- to place the ice pack in a freezer bag to ensure my wounds remain dry;
- once I am able to shower a separate towel to pat my breasts dry is a good idea (to reduce risk of infection);
- and to use my hair-dryer on cold setting to ensure incision sites are completely dry;
- after showering, and drying, it is a good idea to open a window and lie topless on the bed for 30minutes to allow fresh air to get to skin (to promote healing).
Flowers that my best girlfriend gave me at the weekend are opening
beautifully to reveal glorious blood-red blooms
Day six post surgery......
.........and I can see lots of changes in my breasts. Bruising appears to be subsiding and my boobs are definitely dropping. The flesh is much softer too.
My right breast has dropped slightly lower than left.
Until today I had been very surprised at how symmetrical my breasts have appeared (except the look of the nipples) as I had expected the amount of swelling to be different in each breast. Especially since I had, essentially, a different procedure on the right side (with the reduction).
Day six post surgery |
Breasts definitely dropping now |
Yesterday I made a 'wound care' appointment at my local clinic for midday on Thursday. Finally I will get to see what is under the dressings.
I hope the nurse won't mind me taking a few snaps as/when she has removed the dressings - especially if she will be applying fresh dressings.
Monday, 29 July 2013
Washed my hair - bliss!
I last washed my hair a week ago tomorrow. Since then dry shampoo has been a godsend but I don't think I could have managed another hour, let alone day, without washing it properly.
I washed it this morning (over the bath) - total bliss - being very careful not to allow my torso to get wet.
I am a little (okay a lot) obsessive about my personal hygiene. Not being able to shower or bathe was always going to be a serious challenge for me post-op. I have been pleasantly surprised at how okay I am with only being able to strip wash my lower half and using wet wipes on my upper half. I am getting through a pack of baby wipes every two days. I am cleansing my entire body at least three times per day (so important to prevent bacteria building up on my skin and increasing the risk of infection of the wounds).
Not being able to wash my hair, however, has been much more of an imposition than not being able to shower or bathe.
In preparation for having surgery I bought an epilator - ordinarily I shave my body hair daily - I think that is the main reason being unable to shower hasn't caused me to go into complete OCD meltdown. At least I am able to keep my legs and underarms hair free by running over them with the epilator every few days.
This is me - with clean hair - signing out for today :) xx
I washed it this morning (over the bath) - total bliss - being very careful not to allow my torso to get wet.
I am a little (okay a lot) obsessive about my personal hygiene. Not being able to shower or bathe was always going to be a serious challenge for me post-op. I have been pleasantly surprised at how okay I am with only being able to strip wash my lower half and using wet wipes on my upper half. I am getting through a pack of baby wipes every two days. I am cleansing my entire body at least three times per day (so important to prevent bacteria building up on my skin and increasing the risk of infection of the wounds).
Not being able to wash my hair, however, has been much more of an imposition than not being able to shower or bathe.
In preparation for having surgery I bought an epilator - ordinarily I shave my body hair daily - I think that is the main reason being unable to shower hasn't caused me to go into complete OCD meltdown. At least I am able to keep my legs and underarms hair free by running over them with the epilator every few days.
This is me - with clean hair - signing out for today :) xx
Compression bras and bust measurement
The large bras I ordered, to replace the medium ones I thought were too tight, arrived this morning. They are too large (doh!!) and, I now realise, the medium ones are fitting me perfectly.
I will return the large ones to Macom - where I bought them. Incidentally, if you are considering buying post surgery garments/bras, I definitely recommend Macom, the quality is great and my experience of their customer service (delivery, returns, being kept informed when stock was due in etc...) has been excellent.
I will return the large ones to Macom - where I bought them. Incidentally, if you are considering buying post surgery garments/bras, I definitely recommend Macom, the quality is great and my experience of their customer service (delivery, returns, being kept informed when stock was due in etc...) has been excellent.
I'm getting used to wearing compression bras and feel less concerned about having to wear them for such a length of time. Certain necklines just require a few of the top fastenings to be left undone.
I measured my bust yesterday and was surprised to see I have only lost an inch as a result of the op. I now have a 40" bust. This reduces to 37" when I am wearing a compression bra so I look much more flat chested than I actually am.
For this reason it might be difficult to conceal the fact that I have had surgery from some people........
For this reason it might be difficult to conceal the fact that I have had surgery from some people........
Day five post surgery.......
......and, despite yesterdays' dog walking incident, I am feeling really good.
I was looking closely at yesterdays' photos, last night, and I noticed that what I thought was evidence of a bleed (after my dog bolted) was there in my day four post-op photos (which were taken before that happened).
Phew, hurrah and yay :D!!
My husband took me out for a late and VERY leisurely lunch yesterday afternoon and a spot of shopping at Jack Wills - I got a bargain of a dress in the sale and some knickers (should make wearing the compression bras less of a challenge to my obsessive need for bra and pants to match - because these were bought with the intention of not matching ;) ).
Boob update:
More bruising coming out. I also think they are starting to drop a little (as Mr Russo said they would).
Five days post-op |
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Disastrous morning walk with dog :(
Firstly he rolled in fox poo!! I cannot shower him off due to likelihood of my getting the dressings wet (and with such undesirable water!). Fortunately two of my children were home when we returned and they sorted him out.
Secondly - and much, much, worse - on the way home (with him on the lead) he saw a cat only 6ft away and bolted toward it. I reflexively grabbed his lead and tried to hold him back. He is a very big and strong chocolate lab and my arms took an awful lot of strain......
......PAIN!!! Like my stitches were bursting open. So bad it made me cry actual tears (although part of that might have been the panic I was feeling). I was terrified my wounds had been torn open :(
When I got home I had a look - such a relief not to see lots of blood - The pain has lessened a lot now. I'm left with a burning sensation. I'm going to take it VERY easy for the rest of today.
Secondly - and much, much, worse - on the way home (with him on the lead) he saw a cat only 6ft away and bolted toward it. I reflexively grabbed his lead and tried to hold him back. He is a very big and strong chocolate lab and my arms took an awful lot of strain......
......PAIN!!! Like my stitches were bursting open. So bad it made me cry actual tears (although part of that might have been the panic I was feeling). I was terrified my wounds had been torn open :(
When I got home I had a look - such a relief not to see lots of blood - The pain has lessened a lot now. I'm left with a burning sensation. I'm going to take it VERY easy for the rest of today.
My gorgeous puppy - who is today in disgrace........ |
I'm now two hours on from the incident and the pain has lessened a lot (relief!!). There is some evidence of blood underneath the dressings - doesn't look like an excessive bleed (thankfully).
I will be resting up for today and checking my breasts regularly.
Feeling very cross with myself - I've almost certainly set my healing back by days :( BOO ME!!!
Day four post surgery......
.....and all is well :)
I did a fair amount of walking yesterday. Needed to get out of the house; as it is torture to me to be at home and not be able to do housework. I keep doing bits (putting a wash load in the machine, cleaning a toilet, sweeping a floor type thing) and regretting it due to pain.
Walking is using legs not arms :)
I walked my dog on his usual morning walk and then, an hour or so later, round to my mum & pop's house for a cuppa (had to go there to stop myself attempting to vacuum the lounge carpet). My gorgeous husband hoovered it (when he got home from golf) so I could come home again ;)
In the afternoon husband, youngest son and I went shopping for some new clothes for son. Again no use of arms (it is so difficult when I feel so well). It was great to be doing something!
Boob update:
Nipples looking much better this morning.
I did a fair amount of walking yesterday. Needed to get out of the house; as it is torture to me to be at home and not be able to do housework. I keep doing bits (putting a wash load in the machine, cleaning a toilet, sweeping a floor type thing) and regretting it due to pain.
Walking is using legs not arms :)
I walked my dog on his usual morning walk and then, an hour or so later, round to my mum & pop's house for a cuppa (had to go there to stop myself attempting to vacuum the lounge carpet). My gorgeous husband hoovered it (when he got home from golf) so I could come home again ;)
In the afternoon husband, youngest son and I went shopping for some new clothes for son. Again no use of arms (it is so difficult when I feel so well). It was great to be doing something!
Boob update:
Nipples looking much better this morning.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Day three post surgery......
I am feeling much better than I would have imagined at this stage post-surgery. I spent a few hours in my mum's garden with her yesterday afternoon, drinking tea and gossiping :) (I phoned my mum and told her I had surgery when I returned home from the hospital on Thursday).
I'm about to take the dog out for another walk.
Because I feel so well it is becoming increasingly difficult not to overuse my arms. I'm a tad obsessive about housework and there is cleaning that I want to be getting on with. I am not doing it but that is taking a lot of effort!
I am going to keep a close eye on my right nipple. I'm not overly concerned at this stage and I know it is to be expected that it will be in a worse state than the left (due to the reduction on that side) but I also know potential for nipple loss is more likely on that side.
Day three post-op |
Right nipple looking much more battered than left... |
I am going to keep a close eye on my right nipple. I'm not overly concerned at this stage and I know it is to be expected that it will be in a worse state than the left (due to the reduction on that side) but I also know potential for nipple loss is more likely on that side.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Day two post surgery photos
I have realised my compression bras are too tight. I'm ordering some in a larger size and in the meantime wearing one with the top fastenings undone - that greatly reduces the burning sensation and makes my nipples much more comfortable. My breasts are still very well supported.
Two days post-op |
side view |
right nipple bruising becoming more visible |
Maybe taking arnica has been beneficial. Certainly I am not experiencing bruising anything like I had anticipated.
I'm planning on going for a nice walk with my dog this morning. Walking will exercise my legs and not put undue strain on my arms so all good there. Luckily he is a well behaved dog who doesn't usually pull on the lead - but just incase I will tie his lead around my waist :)
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Home and resting......
.........finally :)
I arrived home at 10.30 (great driver brought me home - very chatty and interesting).
I arrived home at 10.30 (great driver brought me home - very chatty and interesting).
When I got in I did too much (naughty me) unpacking and light housework bits and bobs. I was very aware that I'd done too much as I was in pain :(
I took a couple of co-codamol (the hospital sent a box home with me) and have been sitting quietly since.
Lesson learnt: REST!!
Boob update:
I am experiencing burning in both breasts (more in the right), particularly along the boob crease and around the areola.
Pain down the side of both breasts and radiating up into my arms (my 'reward' for not resting when I first arrived home).
Bruising is becoming more visible and my nipples are looking (and feeling) very sore.
Mr Russo came to see me this morning......
.... and has just left. The surgery went very well from his perspective - couldn't have gone better he said.
He removed 100ml of fat from my right breast to even out the sizing. He had a look at how they are today and was clearly delighted with his work - as am I (:
He looked at my new titties with much more reverence than he looked at the old ones I can tell you!!!
Now it's down to me to look after myself properly:
- Must not get the dressings or site wet for 2 weeks.
- Need to wear post-op bras - day and night - for at least a month (to ensure good final shape).
- No heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for 6 weeks.
- Not to bear weight on my arms for at least a week.
- Attend wound care appointments with nurse at the Southampton clinic (usually 7 & 14 days).
Mr Russo said over the next few weeks my breasts will drop a little and the fullness at the top will flatten out - that will be rectified with the implants.
I will see him again in a month and at that stage we will be able to discuss when the implant surgery can take place.
sexy post-op compression bra - flattering (NOT!!) |
In other news:
Cannula is now out - YAY! Hospital bracelets removed :) and I'm waiting for my driver to come and collect me (I was told 7am but I think that changed because Mr Russo wanted to see me).
The hand the cannula was in is quite stiff and swollen. My wedding, engagement and eternity rings, usually loose on my finger, will barely go on.
The hand the cannula was in is quite stiff and swollen. My wedding, engagement and eternity rings, usually loose on my finger, will barely go on.
The morning after........
BP went low again overnight (I suspect because I was asleep) but that meant Obs taken regularly and being urged to drink more water (which meant lots of trips to bathroom: T-Rex style). All in all not the most restful sleep I've ever had.
I'm in a little more pain today (laying flatter to try and sleep almost certainly put pressure on the incision sites (especially the big ones in my boob crease). I also have a very sore throat :( (breathing tube obviously scraped my windpipe during the op).
I cannot wait for the nurse to take the cannula out of my hand. I loathe them and it cannot be removed soon enough for my liking!
I was told I'd be discharged at 05.30 so I've been up, dressed and packed for an hour. I suspect the nurse meant 06.30; which would make more sense with transport arriving at 07.00. At least I'm moving around, drinking and the likes which should satisfy her desire for my BP to raise.
I hope they don't insist I stay because of it - I cannot wait to get home.
My children now know I've had the procedure done; I didn't tell them ahead of time because I didn't want them to worry about the anaesthetic etc. I talked to my daughter last night (as she was staying with friends) and hubby told my sons (they are 20, 17 and 14 respectively).
Interestingly now I'm clothed my boobs look a lot smaller than when I arrived yesterday. Part of that will be the compression bra - but some will be down to having lost volume during the op.
I'm thinking it might be difficult to hide from observant folk - my breasts get smaller overnight and then a couple of months later (when I have the implants) grow again! Oh well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it..........
On a very positive note today starts two whole weeks of R&R for me :). I run my own business and work 70hr+ weeks. I am so looking forward to not having anything I 'should' be doing other than resting, channelling my inner T-Rex, healing and trying to think up fitting names for my new titties :D
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Couldn't hope to feel better than I do at this stage :)
I have a small amount of discomfort but nothing significant (certainly nothing that would warrant pain relief). The discomfort definitely increases when I use my arms.
I am having to concentrate really hard to stop myself from bearing any weight on them; when getting on or off of the bed and/or shuffling my position for example.
I messaged my amazing best girlfriend telling her that I was struggling to not use my arms and she responded stating I was supposed to act "like a t-rex". Genius!!!! That has helped so much. I just embody my inner t-rex and I stop trying to use my arms :D
I've eaten most of a delicious salad - took my time so as not to cause my BP to crash.
Yummy :) |
I couldn't be more content (other than if I were at home in my incredible hubby's arms). The wifi is a godsend - I cannot get a phone signal so I have been able to FaceTime and Skype him instead. It is lovely to be able to see him and I know he is reassured at being able to see me (and my new titties!)
Low BP :(
After my last post my blood pressure dropped and I have spent the afternoon in & out of sleep and trying to get as much fluid into me as possible. Approx. 5 litres of water and two cups of tea later it has come up a bit.
I ordinarily have low BP and anaesthetics in the past have affected me similarly.
As a teen I would regularly pass out (especially in hot weather). I then gained weight and my BP raised (it became 'normal'). Having lost the weight I am again suffering the effects of low BP. Happily, these days I'm much more clued up, than when I was a teenager, as to what the symptoms mean and how to minimise them.
I'm now up and out of bed. Sexy compression bra in place and own nightshirt on :).
I've been for a pee (of course after sooooo much fluid) brushed my teeth (heaven!) and used cleansing wipes to wipe off the dried blood that I can get to.
I am now going to attemp to eat something. Food = BP drop so I am kind of reluctant. Nurses really want me to though so I'll give it a go :). I'm starting with a strawberry yoghurt. I've ordered a salad to eat later.
I ordinarily have low BP and anaesthetics in the past have affected me similarly.
As a teen I would regularly pass out (especially in hot weather). I then gained weight and my BP raised (it became 'normal'). Having lost the weight I am again suffering the effects of low BP. Happily, these days I'm much more clued up, than when I was a teenager, as to what the symptoms mean and how to minimise them.
I'm now up and out of bed. Sexy compression bra in place and own nightshirt on :).
I've been for a pee (of course after sooooo much fluid) brushed my teeth (heaven!) and used cleansing wipes to wipe off the dried blood that I can get to.
I am now going to attemp to eat something. Food = BP drop so I am kind of reluctant. Nurses really want me to though so I'll give it a go :). I'm starting with a strawberry yoghurt. I've ordered a salad to eat later.
I'm back from surgery (:
Surgery took longer than I had imagined (I hadn't actually asked how long it would take). I went in at 10.30 and was taken to recovery ay 13.30.
I am now back in my room, sipping water and breathing oxygen to help flush the anaesthetic out of my system.
I'm a bit sore but that's only to be expected. Been told I must not use my arms to push myself up or bear any weight at all for a week. That is going to be tricky. Just trying to get myself comfy on my bed - whilst focusing fully on not using my arms - resulted in my twice nearly doing exactly that!
I haven't been out of bed yet but I've done my best to get a couple of shots of my new titties.
One hour post surgery |
Right breast that most of the hard work was done on....... |
The soreness is mostly in my left breast (which is odd because it is the right breast that Mr Russo reduced as well as lifted) and is a throbbing sensation (pain I guess). Both breasts have pain particularly around the areola area and feel like they are burning (although not excessively so).
I am unexpectedly not feeling sleepy at all - quite alert infact - but I do feel woozy and a bit dizzy.
Water, water, water.....
I'm on half hourly Obs from the nurses.
Pre-op meeting with Mr Russo
Mr Russo has just been to see me. He jotted down some of his thoughts about what he needs to do once I am under the anaesthetic. See picture below that I took of his jottings.......
He is going to reduce my right boob in size so the two should be more even (to be honest until I met Mr Russo nobody had ever pointed out the great disparity in the size of my breasts!!). I think the way he is thinking about this surgery is as a foundation for my eventual implant surgery :)
The way he looks at my boobies is far from flattering - lol. The way he handles them is hardly gentle either. I'm a bit sore already and he hasn't been near me with a scalpel yet!!
I am second on the surgery list so should be going down in about an hour.........
I've managed to do a pee in the sample pot as well :). My nurse will never know I completely failed the simple task she set me when I arrived :)
I will try to update again later today (if I'm up to it that is).
I will try to update again later today (if I'm up to it that is).
On the ward now :)
I've been brought up to the ward by Sharon, who will be looking after me today. She asked me to shower (removing all deodorant, creams, make-up etc.), to put on the sexy surgical gown and gorgeous paper knickers ;)
I have a private en-suite room with large flat screen television and wifi access. All is well :)
She also asked me to provide a urine sample but I totally forgot to pee in the pot! I'm desperately hoping the urge to pee will happen soon so I can provide a sample before she comes back to 'book me in'. Nurses scare me a bit.......
I have a private en-suite room with large flat screen television and wifi access. All is well :)
My anaesthetist has just been to see me and done his pre-op stuff; and nurse Sally has booked me in, measured me for the oh so flattering surgical stockings and asked all of the questions they need to go through.
I am allergic to iodine (very) and I am a little anxious to ensure that I don't come into contact with it during surgery. Iodine causes serious burns to my skin, allergic skin reaction for months following exposure and blistering under any dressings that are applied. At least I think it is the iodine + dressings that causes the blistering; if it is the dressings alone then I am in trouble as I will have a lot of dressings post surgery. We have agreed to go ahead with the dressings (as alternatives are not really appropriate for the kind of surgery I'm having - keeping the wounds covered, clean and dry is essential post-op) and I will keep a close eye on my skin to ensure I am not reacting to the adhesive.
I am allergic to iodine (very) and I am a little anxious to ensure that I don't come into contact with it during surgery. Iodine causes serious burns to my skin, allergic skin reaction for months following exposure and blistering under any dressings that are applied. At least I think it is the iodine + dressings that causes the blistering; if it is the dressings alone then I am in trouble as I will have a lot of dressings post surgery. We have agreed to go ahead with the dressings (as alternatives are not really appropriate for the kind of surgery I'm having - keeping the wounds covered, clean and dry is essential post-op) and I will keep a close eye on my skin to ensure I am not reacting to the adhesive.
In car en-route to Dolan Park....
Morning :)
Driver (Paul) picked me up at 4.15am. I could murder a cup of tea but nothing other than water is permitted after midnight :(. Drank water up until 5am (now nil by mouth).
Managed to sleep. Feeling remarkably calm :)
I'll update when I arrive.
Driver (Paul) picked me up at 4.15am. I could murder a cup of tea but nothing other than water is permitted after midnight :(. Drank water up until 5am (now nil by mouth).
Managed to sleep. Feeling remarkably calm :)
I'll update when I arrive.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Before photos.....
As my op is tomorrow today was my last opportunity to take before photos. Taking them actually helped me feel less anxious about the surgery. This is the reason I am having the surgery. I hate the way they look when I am unclothed :( and I know as I age it will just get worse.
Although I hate these pictures I am going to post them to illustrate the boob journey I am about to embark on........
If the dressings permit I will take photos over the next few days to document the change and the healing process.............
Although I hate these pictures I am going to post them to illustrate the boob journey I am about to embark on........
![]() |
full front |
![]() |
showing extent of sagging :( |
![]() |
side view |
If the dressings permit I will take photos over the next few days to document the change and the healing process.............
Surgery tomorrow...........
My bag is packed and I will be picked up between 4am and 4.30am in the morning (no food after midnight and no fluids after 5am). Eeek!
I really appreciated washing my hair earlier - I'm not sure when I will be able to do it again (I'm well stocked up on dry shampoo).
I was looking at my bra drawer earlier and thinking how odd that I might never wear any of my bras again (I own a LOT of undies). I am not looking forward to having to wear the post surgery bras for the next few weeks. I love lingerie and will have to wait a number of months before my breasts are healed from the second op to know what my new size will be - then I will set about renewing my lingerie collection :D
I'll post from Dolan Park in the morning.
I really appreciated washing my hair earlier - I'm not sure when I will be able to do it again (I'm well stocked up on dry shampoo).
I was looking at my bra drawer earlier and thinking how odd that I might never wear any of my bras again (I own a LOT of undies). I am not looking forward to having to wear the post surgery bras for the next few weeks. I love lingerie and will have to wait a number of months before my breasts are healed from the second op to know what my new size will be - then I will set about renewing my lingerie collection :D
I'll post from Dolan Park in the morning.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Three days to surgery........
I'm starting to feel anxious. The thought of my boobies being sliced with a scalpel and stitched back together in a new configuration is a tad perturbing.
Don't get me wrong - I can't wait for it to be done. I am, however, not looking forward to the procedure(s) and to the healing. I'd be a very happy bunny if I could skip the next few months and just be at the stage where both procedures are complete and healing well underway :).
I'm taking arnica during in this week proceeding the surgery (at suggestion of my Patient Care Coordinator) as it is supposed to help to minimise swelling and bruising. Part of me thinks homeopathy is total nonsense, however I figure it cannot hurt and I intend to follow my surgeons advice to the letter. Even the bit about needing two weeks off work post surgery (I run my own business and ordinarily do not do time off!)
I will take some "before" photos later and post them on here. I hope to be able to post daily photos charting the healing of the sutures etc. I guess that will depend upon what dressings are used.
Don't get me wrong - I can't wait for it to be done. I am, however, not looking forward to the procedure(s) and to the healing. I'd be a very happy bunny if I could skip the next few months and just be at the stage where both procedures are complete and healing well underway :).
I'm taking arnica during in this week proceeding the surgery (at suggestion of my Patient Care Coordinator) as it is supposed to help to minimise swelling and bruising. Part of me thinks homeopathy is total nonsense, however I figure it cannot hurt and I intend to follow my surgeons advice to the letter. Even the bit about needing two weeks off work post surgery (I run my own business and ordinarily do not do time off!)
I will take some "before" photos later and post them on here. I hope to be able to post daily photos charting the healing of the sutures etc. I guess that will depend upon what dressings are used.
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