Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Low BP :(

After my last post my blood pressure dropped and I have spent the afternoon in & out of sleep and trying to get as much fluid into me as possible.  Approx. 5 litres of water and two cups of tea later it has come up a bit.

I ordinarily have low BP and anaesthetics in the past have affected me similarly.

As a teen I would regularly pass out (especially in hot weather). I then gained weight and my BP raised (it became 'normal'). Having lost the weight I am again suffering the effects of low BP. Happily, these days I'm much more clued up, than when I was a teenager, as to what the symptoms mean and how to minimise them.

I'm now up and out of bed. Sexy compression bra in place and own nightshirt on :).

I've been for a pee (of course after sooooo much fluid) brushed my teeth (heaven!) and used cleansing wipes to wipe off the dried blood that I can get to.

I am now going to attemp to eat something. Food = BP drop so I am kind of reluctant. Nurses really want me to though so I'll give it a go :).  I'm starting with a strawberry yoghurt. I've ordered a salad to eat later.

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