..........and all is well.
Martina, the nurse, was adorable. She was very gentle (no "ouchie, ouchie, pulley, pulley" today) and she was reassuring too.
The incisions are healing very well and, although the right breast incision line is clearly kinked I think it is slowly evening out and looking better each day.
Martina stressed that before the three month mark most augmented breasts will appear distorted (to a greater or lesser extent and for more or less periods of time) and that the majority end up absolutely perfect in terms of shape.
She removed the dressings and steri-strips and I took a couple of snaps [see below]. She has put fresh steri-strips and dressings in their place. I'm very pleased about that. I like the extra protection they afford in these early days.
I need to continue to keep suture lines dry as Mr Russo is very much of the opinion that bacteria in water is the cause of most infections and, as a result, worse scarring. I'm fine with that. I went longer than two weeks post-op without a shower last time. I'm bathing daily (with water only filled to reach my belly button) and washing my hair every other day so not struggling with feeling grubby.
I wipe my breasts down with flannel when I bathe and I use wet wipes to clean near and around the dressings a couple of times a day. I'm changing my compression bra daily too.
one week post augmentation |
incision righty |
incision lefty |
my first sight of the incisions post augmentation |
I am very impressed with how small, neat and true to the original scar line Mr Russo has made the incisions.
Next week:
I am unable to get to the clinic next week, for the dressings and strips changing again, as I'm working long hours each day (mostly away from home). Martina agreed I could change the dressings myself and she gave me the materials I will need to do so and instructed me on what to do.
I will then see the nurse (Louise) the following week.
'supplies' provided by nurse for me to change dressing and steri-strips next week |