Driving, even short distances, causes my boobies to hurt. Uneven roads, and especially potholes, are especially painful. There are moments, whilst I am driving, when I fear my wounds might be opening up because that is what it feels like :(
It is more bearable as a passenger because I can secure my breasts with my hands / arms (especially when I see a bump or hole in the road ahead) and that decreases the pain.
I am so relieved that I planned my surgery for late July. August is a quiet month for my business and the amount I will be travelling around the country is significantly less than any other month. No travel at all until the end of next week :) - yay!
In the past two days, mercifully, I have found a way of making the seatbelt more bearable to wear [see pic below]. I had tried pillows of various sizes and the commercially available seatbelt cushioners but neither had worked anywhere near as well as Hippo :). He is just fat enough to hold the belt an ideal distance from my chest, and his chin is perfect for holding the belt firmly in place. Thanks Hippo ('Potty Mouse' to his friends - because he is a Hippo-potty-mouse).
Hippo helping to make the seatbelt less 'ouchie' to wear |
I've stated before, on this blog, that when I decided to write it I was determined to be as candid as I can bear and to write about my experience of breast surgery and recovery in as truthful way as possible. I am therefore going to share my thoughts about sex. Those relevant to my breast surgery at least ;)!
Sex is very relevant, and important, to my breast surgery journey. It was the prominent consideration in my decision to have surgery; because my loathing of those sagging pendulous breasts, that disappeared under my arms when I lay down, was beginning to affect my sex life. If hubby went to touch my breasts, when I wasn't wearing a bra, I would find myself tensing and wanting to push his hands away. I hated the fact that I did that; and although I knew that hubby wasn't bothered about my far from perfect boobies I very much was.
Despite sex being a major factor in my decision to have surgery, bizarrely, prior to surgery I had not considered the short-term post-op implications for hubby and my sex life.
In addition to the practical considerations (i.e. the fact that my chest has felt incredibly tender and raw, and my inability to lie in any position except on my back) there was the fact that my breasts look(ed) like something out of a horror movie in their mutilated state - I was really not rocking 'the allure' I can tell you! I was also very concerned about what would happen if/when I became sexually aroused: would my breasts / nipples even work (i.e. respond to arousal) and if they did would I be in pain??
I have really missed being intimate with my hubby and he has been a total grumpy bear (bless him). In the almost 13 years that we have been together we have never gone so long without having sex!
Last night (16 whole days and 17 nights post surgery) we decided it was time to try [no pic attached]. Sports bra on and no direct contact with my breasts obviously. I am very pleased to report all was well (incredible infact ;) ).
My nipples and breasts did respond to arousal (yay - they still work!!) and it was a little uncomfortable but the pleasure elsewhere more than overshadowed that. The discomfort increased and, I guess, became pain when I reached orgasm but at that point - to be perfectly frank - I couldn't have cared less.
Bring on the sexing :)...................