Friday, 27 September 2013

Over 9 weeks post surgery.........

9.5 weeks post-op

.....and I'm almost pain free, my breasts are still a little tender when 'squished' and laying on my right side (or on my front) is uncomfortable but other than that all is pretty much as before.  I am able to run (not that I do - but I could if I wanted to), the car is no longer a boobie torture chamber (hurrah) and my tittys are fully 'operational' in my sex life (whoop!).

The last of the scabs have come away and the scars are healing and fading well.  I am massaging the scars twice daily, applying firm pressure, and doing so seems to be having a positive effect on the boob crease scars that were becoming quite raised.

close up of scars

side view

Thursday, 19 September 2013

8 weeks post-surgery.......

......and - for the most part - the pain has finally gone.  I can drive without pain - yay!  I can hug hubby without pain - yay!  My dog can have a proper cuddle - yay!

I am even having sex without a bra on (shockingly brazen of me I know!!)

I am not able to lie comfortably on my right side yet; although laying on left side with support of a pillow is fine.  My boob-crease incision is tender (particularly at the outside edge) and I have a couple of scabs remaining. 

My scars are healing really well - especially the vertical scar which is very pleasing.

8 weeks post-op

Perky :)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Bath time :)

My first bath in almost 8 weeks.  Bliss!!

"Hello old friend"

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Review appointment with Mr Russo......

...........has left me feeling a little deflated; our meeting lasted less than 5 minutes and was, largely, an opportunity for Mr Russo to admire his work.  If I had known what the appointment would entail I certainly would not have rushed away from the conference I was speaking at this morning to attend it.

I have not got a date for my second surgery as I had hoped.  That surgery will not be scheduled for a number of months. At my initial consultation I definitely heard Mr Russo say that he would be willing to perform the second operation as little as six weeks after the first. I am not sure if I misheard or simply misunderstood but today he was talking in terms of 6 months, not weeks.

On the plus side Mr Russo is totally thrilled with the results thus far and is very happy with the way I am healing.

When I arrived at the clinic I was taken straight in to see Mr Russo.  He gave me a hug and kisses on each cheek hello, and asked if he could have a look at my breasts.  I, of course, said he could and I removed my top and bra.  He looked simply delighted with his 'work' and said the result could not have been better. He had a bit of a squeeze and prod and then took some photos for his records.

I asked about the potential timing of the second op and he said for me to come back and see him in early January and that, if the scars were well enough healed, we would schedule for late January.

He said he was now certain doing the procedure in two stages was definitely the right decision for me and that the scarring will be minimal and my final result will be "just lovely".

He scrunched my right breast - ouchie - to push the tissue upwards and said the implants would give me that look and asked if that was what I was hoping for.  I agreed that it was.

I got dressed and asked if he would be willing to meet with me in early December and discuss the possibility of surgery later that month.  I explained that December is a quiet month for my business and scheduling surgery and time to recover will be much easier than in January.  He agreed and said he would have to see how my scars are healing at that point but that he would certainly consider it.

He again said how pleased he was with the way I am healing :)

He said I can bathe and swim and do anything else I have been avoiding (I can't think what he is referring to!)

To be honest the way Mr Russo handled my boobies today has given me a lot of confidence to let hubby have free reign with them.  Hubby would never be so rough with my breasts and if my surgeon is happy to handle them without concern of causing damage/harm I don't think there is any reason to treat them as if they are made of glass any longer :D.

Review appointment later today.....

I have a 5pm meeting with Mr Russo at my local Hospital Group clinic.

I'm feeling unaccountably anxious about it.  Maybe because my boobies associate him with sadistic torture ;)??  Also, I guess, I am hoping he will be happy with the results and will be willing to discuss the implants and the timing of such.

I am very keen to get a date for phase two of my tittification process into my diary. Booking work into my diary is difficult - but essential -  when I don't know when my second operation is going to take place.

I'm not fully confident that getting the second operation (which I have already paid for) will be all that straightforward. The process of booking the date for the first operation happened before I paid the balance. I hope my lack of confidence is not founded and that this evening I will be able to post and confirm the date of my second procedure :)

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

6 weeks post surgery......

........and I'm feeling properly like me again :)

My boobies are still very tender and indeed painful at times (bumps in the road whilst driving and the occasional head-butt from my beloved lab seeking cuddles are especially 'ouchie') and I have slept on my back - and only on my back - for seven weeks and my back hurts every morning as a result; but I've regained my pre-op energy levels and for much of the time I am not aware of my breasts.

6 weeks post-op

side view

Update on incisions

Scabs remain at the top and bottom of each vertical scar; but they are drying up well and I am confident that they will come away soon to reveal nice new skin underneath.

I am very pleased with how well the scars are knitting together and how faded the vertical scar is already [see pics below].

close-up of vertical scar - Righty

close-up of vertical scar - Lefty